One potential problem with the dynamic sync technology is that you may want to know what files have been skipped, but some popular folder synchronization programs, such as Microsoft SyncToy (freeware), cannot access the Windows Client mounted drive if you want to run a direct comparison between the contents of the mounted drive and the original source folder. Furthermore, as an added safety feature, the Windows Client automatically skips potentially problematic files that begin with a leading period in the name, windows thumbnail cache files (thumbs.db), Mac OSX index files (.DS_Store), and certain Temporary files (.tmp).

This helps with performance, since you will only download the files that you actually need to view or edit.

Once a file has been accessed, the file's contents will be downloaded from the cloud to the Windows Client's cache directory. The Windows Client uses a dynamic synchronization technology that maintains surrogate files for folder listings until a user (or program) accesses the file(s).