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As an author you (or your employer or institution) may do the following: Retained Rights/Terms and Conditions of Publicationġ. Meanwhile, the remaining 61,2% show that the on lending variables is influente by other variable not includein this research. Based on the result of the R square test showed that interest rate, brand image and trust simultaneously affect the lending by 38,8%. The variable of trust had a positive and significant effect on lending. The brand image variable had a positive and not significant effect on lending. The result showed that the interest rate variable had a negative and not significant effect on lending. The analytical method used in this research was multiple linier regression analysis. The sampling method used is probability sampling. This study used a questionnaire with 82 respondents as total sample. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk Branch Mandiraja Banjarnegara regency. This study aims to analyze the influence of interest rates, brand image and trust in lending at PT. The occurrence of fluctuations is caused by several factors, including interest rates, brand image and trust. And in 2018 an increase of 462 customers. Based on data, amount of lending in 2016 of 413 customers.

Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk Branch Mandiraja has fluctuations every year.